The Bowling Center, dining room, and tomahawk throwing area are now open for the 2023-2024 season.

If you're looking to sign your tomahawk waiver, please click here.




Open Bowling starts after Labor Day. The days and times of open bowling will vary so always call ahead before coming out to open bowl. Open bowling may not be available every night, depending on league sizes.




Our Address is:

2915 S Slocum Rd

Ravenna, MI 49451




Open Bowling starts after Labor Day. The days and times of open bowling will vary so always call ahead before coming out to open bowl.

Advanced reservations are ALWAYS recommended. Reservations CANNOT be made for the same day you call.

Open bowling may not be available every night, depending on league sizes.






Tuesday-Friday  $3.50 per game/per person

Saturday-Sunday  $4.00 per game/per person

Shoe rental is $3/pair.

Open bowling starts at 5PM.

We have some open lanes Tuesday and Wednesday evenings but lane availability is unpredictable

so always call ahead.





We are located just north of the Village of Ravenna, 2.5 miles south of Apple Ave/M-46.